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Training in real estate tools: Facilogi helps you get the most

Real estate tools can be powerful, but they're never just tools. To be effective, they need to serve a strategy.


Even the best car in the world can't accomplish anything without a seasoned driver and a well-established race plan. Likewise, the most essential tools are nothing without objectives to be achieved and the means put on the table to achieve them.


Since the start of containment, Facilogi experts have provided more than 60 training sessions to their customers on in-house tools . Operational training - intended to optimize the use of our software and application solutions. But also, and above all, strategic training, so that these solutions fully participate in the marketing and communication strategies of our partners.



Real estate tools serving a strategy

To properly implement and use any professional tool, the key is to keep in mind that, precisely, it is just that: a tool .


A hammer needs to fit into a specific purpose: to drive a nail into a plank of wood, for example. This use must also have a more global meaning: nails are driven into a board in order to make a crate, which will itself be used to transport goods, etc. And, above all, behind the hammer there is a worker who holds it in hand and takes advantage of its functionality.


All of this - hammer, nails, making a crate, worker handling the tool - constitutes a strategic whole.


Now replace the hammer with real estate software, the wooden crate with a volume of estimates to be completed or mandates to be entered, and the worker with the negotiator, and you will understand that this strategic set works in exactly the same way for your activity.


Without a pre-existing strategy, in the service of which you put your Hyderabad real estate tools, these only serve as a facade.


See the benefits beyond functionality

Tools are like products and services: to sell them, you need to show your customers the benefits they will get from them , rather than restricting yourself to describing their functionality.


In marketing, we often give the example of the pen to distinguish the two possible approaches to a sale. This example is regularly illustrated by the film The Wolf of Wall Street . We could summarize these two approaches as follows:


  1. To sell a pen to a prospect, most salespeople will describe its functionality: it is thin, light, easy to handle, written in black, etc. They focus on what the pen is doing .

  2. For one to sell the same pen, others will endeavor to show the direct benefits: it allows you to sign contracts, write letters, write checks, etc. They focus on the purpose of the pen .


The restaurant scene is particularly brilliant: to sell the pen, one of the characters asks his interlocutor to sign an autograph… and offers him the object as a tool to achieve this. "He created the need," sums up the other.


The same approach should guide your use of your real estate tools, in a double sense:


  1. You must perceive the benefits in relation to your strategy and your objectives to be achieved , rather than just their functionalities.

  2. You must show these benefits to your prospects in order to convince them to work with you , even though they would be tempted to see only the features.

This double profit approach is the only way to use your real estate tools wisely, that is to say with relevance and efficiency.


Training to put your real estate tools back at the heart of your strategies

It is precisely in this vein that Facilogi took advantage of the economic situation to provide training to its clients in order to support them in integrating its solutions into their daily activities and their overall strategy.


To date, more than sixty Warangal real estate professionals have benefited from this program, which aims to optimize the potential of our tools by enhancing their assets both in the eyes of users and those of their prospects. The aim is to take advantage of the investment, but also to build a sales pitch around these benefits.


It works for all aspects of your business: prospecting, estimating, signing a mandate, promoting the property, concluding a sale.

Let us take two concrete examples: the value opinion and the Owner Space ©.


Professional opinion of value

The professional valuation opinion makes it possible to offer a prospective seller an estimate of the value of his relevant and factual property, which is based on a methodology in several points: the comparative market study (location, quality of construction, housing characteristics) with comparison of similar properties sold in the same area, the qualitative approach (a set of subjective criteria such as view, light, atmosphere, etc.) which makes it possible to adjust the estimate, and finally the number of potential buyers (which supposes having an acute knowledge of the buyers and their financial means).


In short, this value opinion is based exclusively on local data , which alone can lead to an estimate that corresponds to market prices.

This tool should be used for two purposes:


  1. In internal strategy: the value opinion meets precise quantitative objectives in terms of the number of estimates and mandates signed . By demonstrating the agency's expertise, it contributes to enhancing the quality of its services, and thus serves as a lever for taking on mandates. It also makes it possible to see further and to optimize the future sales strategy, on the basis of a fair price.

  2. In customer strategy: the value opinion is the guarantee, for the seller, to rely on the market price and to find a buyer within the expected timeframe . It is no longer a simple estimate report (its primary functionality) but a sales accelerator (its profit).


Owner Space ©

The Owner Space © is an innovative solution designed by Facilogi as a communication tool for real estate professionals in conjunction with their selling clients.


On the buyer side, it takes the form of a website dedicated to a property presented exclusively . All content (description, photos, documents, etc.) is reserved for a particular property. The potential buyer no longer reads a simple ad, but accesses a specific space that highlights the property in question.


On the seller side, it takes the form of a mobile application with direct access to estimation and promotion data  : repository, performance indicators, statistics (number of views), etc. The tool includes an interface allowing the seller to interact with his real estate contact and receive notifications in real time.


Here again, the use of the tool is part of a dual beneficiary approach:


  • In internal strategy: the Owner Space © has been specially designed to support exclusive mandates . He therefore plays the role of leverage to seduce the prospect seller and show him that all the promotional actions specific to the agency will be put at the service of his transaction through a platform dedicated to his property. In short, it is an accelerator of exclusive mandates, which at the same time contributes to making the determination of the selling price credible (on the basis of the repository).

  • In client strategy: it optimizes the digital visibility of the seller's property, enhances the value of the accommodation, and makes it possible to shorten transaction times by connecting the property to the agency's base of qualified buyers . Initially a simple promotional tool (its functionality), it gives a boost to sales (its profit).

These two real estate tools are, in themselves, relevant solutions (in the context of your activity) and powerful (concrete results, gain in notoriety, etc.). Despite everything, they remain tools, which must fit into a strategy defined upstream, aim for a specific goal, be used appropriately, and serve as arguments to present to your prospects.


It is precisely in this direction that we support our clients during our training in our real estate tools.

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